The most highly anticipated comics series of the year ends in the biggest way possible—the whole world burns away according to Tyler’s plan, and a new one he never anticipated is conceived. The meek inherit the Earth, and a final showdown proves that, finally, Roland Barthes is right! -- Hm... I wonder what Barthes is right about, precisely. I'll guess that maybe his book S/Z or more broadly his codes might be what is being referred to, but this doesn't resolve the mystery just yet. Maybe (after looking around a bit more) what Barthes is supposed to be right about is that "there is no one possible meaning but instead 'a plurality of meaning or meaning as plurality'" -- from Searching for Meaning: An Introduction to Interpreting the New Testament , p. 100 -- quoting something from Barthes, but the exact reference is cut off in Google Books. Perhaps the reference is to "L'analyse structurale